Best Dropshipping Methods: Which Method is Right For You in 2023

Dropshipping. You've probably heard of it, right? It's that magical business model where you get to make money without ever touching any inventory. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not. Buckle up, folks, because we're about to dive headfirst into the world of dropshipping, where profits are as high as your ambitions (if you're doing it right, of course).

Best Dropshipping Methods: Which Method is Right For You in 2023

Method 1: The Classic AliExpress Model

This is the OG of dropshipping methods. It's where I got my start, and it's where many of you will, too. The concept is simple: find a product on AliExpress, list it on your online store, and when someone buys it, have AliExpress ship it directly to your customer. You pocket the difference between the sale price and the cost of the item. Sounds easy, right?


  1. No inventory management. I mean, who wants to spend their time counting boxes in a warehouse? Not me! With the AliExpress model, all you need is a computer and an internet connection. Sweet, sweet freedom.
  2. Low upfront costs. You don't need to buy inventory in bulk or rent a storage space. It's perfect for newbies who don't have a ton of cash lying around.
  3. Wide product selection. With AliExpress, you have access to millions of products, which means you can find something for every niche. It's like a dropshipper's paradise.


  1. Long shipping times. You know that feeling when you order something online, and it takes forever to arrive? Yeah, your customers won't be thrilled about that either.
  2. Quality control. It's hit or miss with some suppliers, so make sure to do your due diligence. You don't want to be known as the guy who sells shoddy products, do you?
  3. Competition. Since it's so easy to set up a store with this model, you'll be going head-to-head with lots of other dropshippers. You better bring your A-game.

Method 2: Print-on-Demand (POD)

If you're the creative type, you'll love this method. With POD, you create unique designs and partner with a print-on-demand company that prints and ships your products for you. T-shirts, mugs, phone cases - the possibilities are endless!


  1. Customization. Your customers can choose their own colors, sizes, and designs. They'll feel like a kid in a candy store.
  2. No inventory management. Just like AliExpress, you don't have to worry about inventory. The POD company handles it all for you.
  3. Higher margins. Since you're selling unique products, you can charge a premium for them. Hello, fat profits!


  1. You need design skills. If you can't tell the difference between Comic Sans and Helvetica, you might struggle a bit with this method.
  2. Longer production times. Each item is made to order, so it can take a little longer to ship out. Patience is a virtue, my friends.
  3. Less room for error. If you mess up a design or misprint something, you'll have to eat the cost. Better triple-check your work!

Method 3: Wholesale Dropshipping

Ready to take things up a notch? Wholesale dropshipping is for those who want to build stronger relationships with suppliers and gain more control over their products. In this method, you buy products in bulk from a wholesaler, but they still handle the shipping and fulfillment. It's like a marriage of traditional wholesale and dropshipping.


  1. Better prices. By buying in bulk, you get better rates from your supplier. That means higher dropshipping margins for you. Cha-ching!
  2. Exclusivity. If you find a great product, you can secure an exclusive deal with the supplier, leaving your competition in the dust.
  3. More control. You have a say in the quality, packaging, and even branding of your products. You can truly make it your own.


  1. Higher upfront costs. You'll need some cash to buy your inventory in bulk. It's not as cheap as the other methods, but the potential rewards are worth it.
  2. More risk. If your products don't sell, you'll be stuck with a lot of inventory. Make sure to do your market research before going all-in.
  3. More responsibility. You'll have to manage the relationship with your supplier, which can be time-consuming. But hey, at least you're not counting boxes in a warehouse, right?

Method 4: Local Dropshipping

For those of you who want to support your local economy, this method is for you. Local dropshipping involves partnering with local suppliers and selling their products online. You're like a virtual middleman, connecting local businesses with online customers.


  1. Support local businesses. You'll be helping your local economy and building relationships with people in your community. Go you!
  2. Faster shipping. Since your suppliers are nearby, shipping times can be significantly shorter than with other methods. Your customers will thank you.
  3. Unique products. Local businesses often have one-of-a-kind items that can't be found elsewhere, giving you a competitive edge.


  1. Limited product selection. Depending on where you live, you might not have access to a wide variety of products.
  2. Less scalability. Local suppliers may not be able to handle a sudden surge in orders, so growth could be slower compared to other methods.
  3. More legwork. You'll have to go out and find local suppliers yourself. Put on your networking hat, and get ready to make some connections!

Method 5: White Label Dropshipping

If you've ever dreamt of having your own product line, white-label dropshipping is your chance. This method involves buying generic products from a supplier and then rebranding them with your own logo and packaging. It's like being a fashion designer, but for everyday products!


  1. Build a brand. By creating your own product line, you'll establish a strong brand identity that customers can trust.
  2. Higher margins. Branded products can be sold at a higher price than generic ones, leading to better dropshipping margins.
  3. Competitive advantage. With your unique products, you'll stand out from the competition and attract loyal customers.


  1. Higher upfront costs. You'll need to invest in designing your logo, packaging, and other branding elements. It's not cheap, but it's worth it for the long-term payoff.
  2. Slower production times. Customizing your products can add extra time to the production process, so be prepared for some delays.
  3. Risk of unsold inventory. If your branded products don't sell, you'll be stuck.

With unsold inventory, you can't return it to the supplier. Make sure to test the market before investing heavily in your brand.

Method 6: Marketplaces and Multi-Vendor Platforms

Why stop at just one supplier? With this method, you can partner with multiple suppliers and sell their products on marketplaces like Amazon and eBay or multi-vendor platforms like Shopify. You'll have a vast selection of products to offer, and you'll be able to reach more customers.


  1. Huge product selection. With multiple suppliers at your disposal, you'll have a virtually endless array of products to sell.
  2. Wider customer base. By selling on popular marketplaces, you'll have access to millions of potential customers.
  3. Easier to scale. Since you're not relying on just one supplier, you can grow your business more quickly and easily.


  1. Fierce competition. You'll be going up against other sellers on these platforms, so you'll need to find a way to stand out.
  2. Fees and commissions. Marketplaces often charge fees and commissions on your sales, which can cut into your dropshipping margins.
  3. Less control. Selling on a marketplace means you'll have to play by their rules, which can sometimes be limiting.

Pricing Methods Comparison

Low Ticket Dropshipping

Low ticket dropshipping focuses on selling inexpensive items that customers are more likely to purchase on impulse. These products often have a low cost, making them ideal for dropshippers who want to get started without breaking the bank.


  1. Low upfront costs. With low-cost products, you won't need to invest much money to start selling.
  2. Higher sales volume. Since customers are more likely to buy inexpensive items, you may see a higher sales volume, which can help offset the lower profit margins.
  3. Lower risk. Selling low-cost items means you're less likely to end up with a large amount of unsold inventory (only if pre-ordered).


  1. Lower profit margins. With low-cost products, your profit margins may be slim, which means you'll need to sell a lot of items to make a decent profit.
  2. Fierce competition. Many other dropshippers may be targeting the same low-cost products, making it difficult to stand out.
  3. Potential quality issues. Inexpensive products can sometimes be of lower quality, which could lead to customer dissatisfaction and returns.

Mid-Range Ticket Dropshipping

Mid-range ticket dropshipping targets products with moderate prices, which usually offer a balance between affordability and quality. These products appeal to a wider range of customers and can provide a good balance between profit margins and sales volume.


  1. Higher profit margins. With moderately priced products, you can potentially earn more profit per sale compared to low-ticket items.
  2. Wider customer base. Mid-range products can appeal to a broader range of customers, increasing your potential sales.
  3. Better product quality. Moderately priced items are often better quality than low-cost items, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction.


  1. Increased competition. While not as fierce as low ticket dropshipping, you'll still face competition in the mid-range market.
  2. Higher upfront costs. You may need to invest more money to source moderately priced products, which could increase your initial investment.
  3. Slower sales velocity. Since customers may take longer to decide on a mid-range purchase, your sales velocity might be slower than with low-ticket products.

High Ticket Dropshipping

High-ticket dropshipping focuses on selling expensive, luxury, or premium products that come with higher profit margins. These products often require a more targeted marketing approach and can appeal to customers who are willing to spend more for quality and exclusivity.


  1. Higher profit margins. Selling high-ticket items can result in significantly higher profits per sale compared to low or mid-range items.
  2. Lower sales volume is required. Due to the higher profit margins, you won't need to sell as many items to make a decent profit.
  3. Upscale clientele. High-ticket products can attract customers who are willing to spend more, which could lead to repeat business and larger orders.


  1. Higher upfront costs. Sourcing luxury or premium products can be expensive, which means you'll need a larger initial investment.
  2. Slower sales velocity. Since high-ticket items are more expensive, customers may take longer to decide on a purchase, which can result in slower sales.
  3. Increased customer expectations. With premium products, customers often have higher expectations for quality, shipping, and customer service, which could increase your workload and responsibilities.

Upfront investment

Let's talk about money, honey! One of the crucial aspects of mastering the dropshipping game is understanding the pricing ranges for each method. In this section, I'll break down the costs associated with each dropshipping method we've discussed, so you'll know how much dough you need to invest in your new venture. After all, you can't make money without spending some first, right?

Pricing Range for Method 1: AliExpress Model

Upfront Costs: Minimal. You'll need to set up an online store, which usually costs between $20 and $100 per month, depending on the platform you choose. There might be some extra costs for premium themes, apps, or plugins, but overall, it's a pretty affordable way to start.

Ongoing Costs: Not too shabby! You'll have to pay transaction fees for each sale, which usually range between 2-5%. There might also be some advertising costs to promote your store, but that's up to you and your marketing strategy.

Pricing Range for Method 2: Print-on-Demand (POD)

Upfront Costs: Moderate. You'll need to pay for your online store setup (similar to the AliExpress model), but you may also have to invest in design software or hire a designer to create your unique products. This can cost anywhere from $50 to a few hundred dollars.

Ongoing Costs: A bit higher than AliExpress. Each time you sell a product, you'll pay the POD company for printing and shipping, which can vary depending on the item. The more you sell, the more you'll pay. Make sure to price your products accordingly to maintain healthy dropshipping margins.

Pricing Range for Method 3: Wholesale Dropshipping

Upfront Costs: Higher. You'll need to invest in bulk inventory, which can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the products and quantity you choose. Additionally, you'll still have to pay for your online store setup and any other relevant costs.

Ongoing Costs: Moderate. You'll have the usual transaction fees and advertising costs, but since you're buying in bulk, your per-item costs should be lower, which can help offset the higher upfront investment.

Pricing Range for Method 4: Local Dropshipping

Upfront Costs: Varies. Local dropshipping can range from low to moderate upfront costs, depending on the suppliers and agreements you make. You may need to invest in local advertising to attract suppliers and customers.

Ongoing Costs: Moderate to high. Shipping costs may be lower, but you might have to pay higher prices for local products, which can impact your dropshipping margins. Be strategic with your pricing and marketing to make the most of this method.

Pricing Range for Method 5: White Label Dropshipping

Upfront Costs: High. You'll have to pay for your online store setup, as well as invest in designing and producing your branded products. This can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the products and branding elements you choose.

Ongoing Costs: Moderate to high. You'll have the usual transaction fees and advertising costs, but you'll also need to pay for ongoing product customization, which can add up. However, remember that you can charge a premium for your branded products, which can help offset these costs.

Pricing Range for Method 6: Marketplaces and Multi-Vendor Platforms

Upfront Costs: Minimal to moderate. You'll need to pay for your online store setup (if you choose to have one), but you may also have to pay fees to list your products on the marketplaces. These fees can vary, so do your research.

Now that you're well-versed in the various dropshipping methods, it's time to pick one and get started. Remember, the best method for you depends on your unique skills, resources, and preferences. So, don't be afraid to experiment and find the method that works best for you.

In the world of dropshipping, the only limit is your imagination (and maybe your credit card limit). Good luck, and may the dropshipping margins ever be in your favor.

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